Sunday 2 August
Week One
Wonderfully Made In God’s Image
(Genesis 1:26; Psalm 46:1; Proverbs 2:6)
Say This
Who made you?
God made me!
The Story
Have fun learning and playing with your preschooler.
First, watch the video below to hear God’s truth in a way your preschooler can understand and enjoy.
Then, follow up with the fun activities below!
Activity – Self-Portrait
What You Need
Paper plates (or a sheet of paper) and various crafting materials: markers/crayons, scissors, glue sticks, tape
What You Do
Gather the family around a table. Place the crafting supplies in the middle. Encourage everyone to make a self-portrait using the pa-per plate for a face. Add hair with ribbon, string, or yarn. Cut out eyes, nose, and mouth from construction paper. Or, just draw ev-erything with crayons or markers. Write “God Made Me” on a piece of paper and hang it on the wall. Hang the family’s self-portraits underneath.
What You Say
“Let’s make self-portraits! A self-portrait is when you create a pic-ture that looks like you. We’re going to use these craft supplies to make our faces on these paper plates. Don’t forget your eyes. What color hair do you have? God made each and every part of you.
“In our Bible story, we learned that God made everyone and that He made us to be like Him! No two people are the same! God gave us a brain to think and learn! We learn new things every day, like how to talk and walk, tie our shoes, read books, and ride a bike! God also made us creative like Him. One of the best things we can do with our amazing, creative selves is to help others! God made us to help. God made us to learn, create, and help. God is amazing, and He made us to be like Him! Who made you? God made me.”
“Dear God, thank You for making us in your image. Thank You for making us smart, creative, and helpful! You made such an amazing world for us, and there is so much we want to learn! Please help us to learn and create and help. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”