Sunday 29 November

Key Question

The Story

Use this guide to help your family learn how God can help us live with humility.

First, watch this video
Then, follow up with the fun activities below!

Bible Story

Lord’s Supper / Last Supper
1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Exodus 12

Activity – Paper Plate Circle

What you need

Six or more paper plates (or sheets of paper), and something to write with

What You Do

On one side of each paper plate, write down the name of a person who lives in your home. If you need to add names to get to six, add the names of the people your family is closest to. (You can have more than six.)
Then, using the paper plates, form a circle on the floor. The names should be face down on the floor.
Play a game with your child. Tell them to start at one paper plate, then move left or right around the circle, depending on their responses to the following statements.

  • Move one plate to the left if you said thank you to someone today.
  • Move one plate to the right if you can remember what you were given for your birthday last year.
  • Move two plates to the right if you did something for someone today and they thanked you for it.
  • Move one plate to the right if you can think of something you’re grateful for right now.
  • Move two plates to the right if you sometimes forget to say thanks.
  • Move one plate to the left if you thanked God the last time you ate a meal.

Now say, “Pick up the paper plate and read the name on the back. In the next 24 hours, think of one thing that person has done for you that you’re grateful for, and tell them thank you. You can tell them to their face, you can write them a note, or you can call or text them.”
If you have time, repeat the process by starting on a different plate for the second round.
Follow up with your child tomorrow and ask if they completed their “thank you challenge.”

Talk about the Bible Story

What happened during the first Passover? (God saved His people from the last plague in Egypt by passing over the houses of the people who had lamb’s blood painted on their doorframes.)
Why did people continue to celebrate Passover? (to remember that God rescued them from slavery)
What are some of the things that were a part of the Passover celebration? (People ate a meal with lamb and flat bread.)
Why do followers of Jesus celebrate communion, or the Lord’s Supper? (to remember that Jesus rescued us by dying on a cross for our sins)
What helps you remember to be grateful?


Use this prayer as a guide, either after your discussion or right before bed tonight:

“Dear God, when You sent us Jesus, You gave us the one thing we can always be grateful for every day. Even on our worst days, we can be thankful because we know You are watching over us and Your plans are always good. Help us to remember what You’ve done for us and to thank You often. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


God Time Cards:
are devotionals kids can do that will reinforce the content in the weekly video presentations.