Sunday 24 October
Key Question
The Story
Use this guide to help your family learn what
God has to say about individuality
First, watch this video
Then, follow up with the fun activities below!
Bible Story
1 Timothy 4:12 (supporting: Acts 14–17; 1 Timothy 4:14; 1 Corinthians 4:17; 16:10)
Activity – Who, Where, How?
What you need
Index cards or scraps of paper, three bowls (or jars), three pieces of paper that you can use to label the bowls
What You Do
Label the three bowls: “WHO,” “HOW,” “WHERE.”
Ask your child to think of a few places they go throughout the week, to write each place on an index card, and then place those cards in the “WHERE” bowl.
Then ask your child to think of a few people they know, to write each person’s name (and their title, like “mom,” “teacher,” “coach,” etc.) on an index card, and then place those cards in the “WHO” bowl.
Finally, ask your child to think of a few skills or traits they have (or things they enjoy doing), to write each skill or trait on an index card, and then place those cards in the “HOW” bowl.
When each bowl has a few index cards in it, instruct your child to take one card from each bowl. Give them time to brainstorm HOW they could use the gift/skill/trait they drew to make a difference in the life of WHO they drew . . . OR how they could use that gift/skill/trait to make a difference in the location (WHERE) they drew . . . OR how they might be able to combine all three! Discuss the examples your child comes up with. Ask them what could happen if they chose to make a difference in the way they described.
Talk about the Bible Story
Thinking about our Bible story, what were Timothy’s gifts and how did he use them? (What gifts would someone need to do what he did?
You may not be able to do all the things you want to do right now. But there are some things you can do to help others. What are some ways that you can help others right now?
Parent: Share about a time when you recently made a difference at home, at work, or in your community. Did you help create peace between people? Did you help someone who needed it? Or share about a time when someone made a difference for YOU (especially if it was someone young).
Use this prayer as a guide, either after your discussion or right before bed tonight:
“Dear God, thank You for making us with our own individuality and our own special gifts. Thank You for giving us opportunities to love and serve others, even when we’re young. Please show us the ways we can make a difference this week. We love You, and we pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.”