Sunday 15 November

Week Three

Aaron Helps Moses
(Exodus 17:8-13)

Say This
Who is good?
God is good.

The Story

Have fun learning and playing with your preschooler.
First, watch the video below to hear God’s truth in a way your preschooler can understand and enjoy.
Then, follow up with the fun activities below!

Activity – Freeze Up and Down

What You Need

The monthly song (Or other fun piece of music)

What You Do

Have your child stand in front of you. Turn the music on and ask them to dance with their arms in the air. After about 10-15 seconds, turn off the music. Ask your child to stand very still or freeze and put their arms down. Repeat the activity several times in 10-15 second increments, joining in on the fun.
Say, “Let’s dance! When you hear the music, dance with your arms in the air. (Demonstrate.) When the music stops, freeze and put your arms down. (Demonstrate.) Are you ready? Let’s go.”
“Whew! That was so much fun! My arms are very tired. Whose arms got tired in our story today? That’s right. It was Moses. God gave him family to help him. Do you remember who it was? Yes, it was his brother, Aaron, and friend, Hur. God gave us family to help, too! God is good. Who is good? God is good!”


“Dear God, family is such a special gift You have given us. We are so thankful for the way family helps us. I pray we will help our family, too. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.”