Sunday 11 April

Week Two

Breakfast on the Beach
(John 21:1-14)

Say This
Who wants to be your friend forever?
Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

The Story

Have fun learning and playing with your preschooler.
First, watch the video below to hear God’s truth in a way your preschooler can understand and enjoy.
Then, follow up with the fun activities below!

Activity – Shore

What You Need

Blue towel, plush friend, and a small basket or pan

What You Do

Lay the towel in an open area of your home to be the water. Place the plush friends in the basket/pan and place the basket in the middle of the towel to be a boat.
Act out the Bible story by bringing the plush friend to shore. Once the boat is on shore, remove the friend and have a pretend picnic. Repeat several times.
Say, “Look, our friend is in a boat in the water just like the men were in our story today. Let’s push the boat to the shore. When the boat is on shore, you can place your friend on dry land and have a picnic just like they did in our story today. Who had a picnic in our story? (Pause.) That’s right—Jesus and His friends.
“Jesus’ friends were so happy! Jesus came back! And He was making them breakfast! Jesus and His friends sat around the fire, eating their breakfast together. It was the best day ever! Jesus wanted His friends to see that He is alive and He wants to be their friend forever.
“And guess what the best part of the story is? Jesus is alive, and He wants to be YOUR friend forever, too! Who wants to be your friend forever? Jesus wants to be my friend forever!”


Dear God, thank You for giving us Jesus. He is the best friend ever. Thank You for the Bible and all of the true stories that teach us how great a friend Jesus is. We love how Jesus made fish and bread for breakfast for His friends. Thank You for sending Jesus to be our friend forever. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.