Why We Give
At GEBC we encourage people to honour God with their finances. We are stewards, rather than owners, of property and income, and Christian worship includes the expression of giving. How and when people honour God in this way is obviously a personal matter. We do encourage those who make GEBC their church home to include our church (and its ministries) in their expression of worship through giving.
Ways to Give
Donations can be made via Online Credit Card, EFTPOS or cash on site, or online banking.
Our account number is 12 3051 0275892 00.
Yes you can. You can give in total anonymity via the weekly collection taken up at our worship services (cash or EFTPOS), or depositing into our bank account with a simple reference of ‘Donation’
The church provides a supply of printed envelops for giving of tithes and offerings. These enable givers to designate where and how they want their gift to be dispersed. Supplies of these envelopes are always available in the church foyer, or from the Church Office – simply help yourself. Remember to write your ‘giving number’ on the envelope.
To take advantage of the tax rebate offered on charitable donations a tax receipt can be issued to you at the end of the financial year. Those wanting a tax receipt must use a system of giving that identifies the giver. The church organises record keeping for this purpose in a highly confidential manner. A ‘giving number’ is allocated to the donor and needs to be written on the envelope containing the gift that is placed in the offering bag. A tally is kept of all giving throughout the year in respect to this ‘giving number’ and an appropriate receipt issued. To obtain a ‘giving number’ please contact the Church Office.
There is an EFTPOS terminal available each Sunday outside the Church Office. Follow the ‘Do It Yourself’ instruction sheet to give directly into the Church account. Place one copy of the receipt in an ‘offering envelope’ together with your ‘giving number’ if you wish to receive a tax receipt and/or designate where the offering is to go.
Giving via Automatic Payment enables people to be systematic in their giving, even if they are unable to attend a worship service.
12 3051 0275892 00.
Please use your tithe/giving number as a reference or your name.