Sunday 8 August
The Story
Bible Story
Solomon Asks God for Wisdom
1 Kings 3:4-28
Use this guide to help your family learn
how God can help us find wisdom.
First, watch this video
Then, follow up with the fun activities below!
ACTIVITY: Flip a Truth
Paper plate and marker
What You Do
Write the word “true” on one side of the paper plate, and “false” on the other side.
Say, “We’re going to play a game. I’ll read a statement about today’s story. If it’s true, say “true.” If it’s false, say “false.” But there’s a catch! After you answer, I’ll flip the paper plate and let it land on the floor. If it lands on the correct answer, you don’t have to do anything. If it lands on the incorrect answer, you have to do either 10 jumping jacks or five push-ups. Ready?”
Read the following statements. After each one, allow your child to answer. Once you’ve clarified the correct answer, flip the plate. Make sure it flips a couple of times in the air before it lands. If it lands on the correct answer, move on. If it lands on the incorrect answer, your child has to do either 10 jumping jacks or five push-ups.
God told Solomon he could ask for anything, and Solomon asked for cheese. (false)
God told Solomon he could ask for anything, and Solomon asked for wisdom. (true)
Two women were arguing over who was the mother of a baby boy. (true)
Solomon dismissed the women and told them to go away. (false)
Solomon didn’t give the baby to either of the women. (false)
Solomon said he would cut the baby in half, and then each of the women could have half of the baby. (true)
Solomon would have never actually hurt the baby. He was testing the women to see who the true mother was. (true)
Talk about the Bible Story
Solomon knew that, as king, he would have to make a lot of difficult decisions.
- When he got to ask God for anything in the world, what did he ask for? (wisdom)
- Why is it important for us to have wisdom?
- Who can we ask for wisdom? (God)
- When do you need wisdom the most in your life right now?
Parent: Talk about a time when you made an unwise choice. What were the consequences?
Use this prayer as a guide, either after your discussion or right before bed tonight:
“God, it’s amazing to think that Solomon could have asked You for anything . . . and he chose to ask for wisdom! We know that Your wisdom is valuable for us, just like it was for Solomon. It’s important for us to make the wise choice—and sometimes it’s hard to know what that might be. But God, we know that we can trust You no matter what. We know that if we ask You, You’ll give us the wisdom we need. Please help us remember to do that. Help us to trust You. We love You, and we pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.”