Sunday 23 August
Worship with Mel
The Story
Bible Story
Four Friends Who Helped
(Mark 2:1-12)
Use this guide to help your family learn how God can help us live with humility.
First, watch this video
Then, follow up with the fun activities below!
ACTIVITY: Mitt Madness
What You Need
Oven mitts or thick gloves; and any of the following: marker with cap, sheet of paper, coin, scissors, book, candy or gum in the wrapper
What You Do
Gather the supplies. Find a hard surface (like the floor or a table) and spread out the items.
Tell your child that it’s time to play a game. Say, “Here are some oven mitts to wear. You’ll have a chal-lenge to do all on your own, without taking off the mitts. Ready?”
Here are some challenges to consid-er depending on your supplies:
Take the cap off the marker
Pick up the sheet of paper without sliding it
Spin the coin on the table/floor
Cut out a circle from the sheet of paper
Turn to page (##) in the book
Unwrap the candy/gum
Then, say, “How many of those were you able to do on your own? Let’s try them again. But this time, I’ll help you.”
This time around, help your child complete each challenge.
Talk about the Bible Story
When the four men arrived with their hurting friend, they couldn’t see Jesus. How did they work together to solve that problem? (They lowered their friend through the roof.)
That’s a pretty creative strategy, isn’t it? Then what hap-pened? (Jesus healed their friend.)
Just like we discovered in our activity today, sometimes we don’t have the skills to do certain things on our own. Have you ever worked together with a friend to do some-thing? How did it feel?
As a family, let’s think of a way we could work together to help someone in need. Let’s brainstorm a plan and make it happen together. You know why? Because God created us to work together with others.
Use this prayer as a guide, either after your discussion or right before bed tonight:
“God, thank You for putting people in our lives who can help us. Alone, we can only do so much. But when we combine our skills and our creativity with other peo-ple’s creativity, we can do so much more! Help us to remember to look for ways we can work together. We love You! Amen.”